Checked because the default window size is already in custom size. Copy the top window size as the default window size. Not checked because window size has been set to other options. Checked because the default window size is already in large size. This will accomodate 100 char/line 9 point monaco. Set default window size as large size. This will accomodate 100 char/line 9 point monaco. Not checked because window size has been set to other options. Checked because the default window size is already in medium size. This will accomodate 80 char/line 9 point monaco. Set default window size as medium size. This will accomodate 80 char/line 9 point monaco. Not checked because window size has been set to other options. Checked because the default window size is already in small size. This will accomodate 60 char/line 9 point monaco. Set default window size as small size. This will accomodate 60 char/line 9 point monaco. Not checked because window size has been set to other options. Checked because the default window size is already full screen size. The line separation only at print out. Print document title as upper left header. Click this box not to print document title. Do not print document title as upper left header. Click this box to print document title. Print page number as footer. Click this box not to print page number. Do not print page number as footer. Click this box to print page number. Print date and time stamps as upper right header. Click this box not to print date and time. Do not print date and time stamps as upper right header. Click this box to print date and time. This is the printing margin from the right (inch) This is the printing margin from the left (inch) This is the printing margin from the bottom (inch) This is the printing margin from the top (inch) Use this editing field to set font size to an arbitary number between 0 and 255. Default Font Size popup menu Use this popup menu to select from standand font size as default for displaying info under the thumbnails. Default Font popup menu Use this popup menu to set default font for displaying info under the thumbnails. Set default window size as full screen size. Not checked because window size has been set to other options. show volume name under thumbnail. Click this box to show volume name under thumbnail. Show image size under thumbnail. Click this box to show image size under thumbnail. This is the thumbnail height in number of pixels. It only control the new preview window. This is the thumbnail width in number of pixels. It only control the new preview window. Present an open dialog when application is launched. Click this box to present a new document window instead. Present a new Preview window when application is launched. Click this box to present a open dialog instead. Save the window size and position when closing. Click this box not to save the window size and position when closing. Not yet implemented. Do not save the window size and position when it is closed. Click this box to save the window size and position when closing. Not yet implemented. Window size popup menu Use this popup menu to set the default window size. Auto-detect the file's graphics format and fix the file type in case the file type is wrong. This works for JPEG/GIF/TIFF/Targa/PPM/BMP. Click this box to auto-detect the file's graphics format and fix the file type in case the file type is wrong. This works for JPEG/GIF/TIFF/Targa/PPM/BMP. Use external application for picture viewing. Click this box to use external application for picture viewing. Use Codec in thumbnail creation and picture viewing. This greatly reduces memory usage. Quicktime is needed. Click this box to use Codec in thumbnail creation and picture viewing. This greatly reduces memory usage. Quicktime is needed. Use temperary memory in the display engine. Not recommended if you do not have plenty of RAM. Click this box to use temperary memory. When a supported graphics file is draged and droped onto the application, open it in viewer insteading creating thumbnail. Click this box to view picture when file is draged and droped onto application. When Quicktime is installed, use it in JPEG decoding. Click this box to use Quicktime in JPEG decoding if available . This is the quality parameter for JPEG compression. For normal use, use 75-85. Use this popup menu to select the topic for the preferences you want to change. To discard all the changes you have made to the preferences, in this topic and others, click this button. To accept all the changes you have made to the preferences, in this topic and others, click this button. Not available because you have not supplied some required piece of information in the current topic. To accept all the changes you have made to the preferences, in this topic and others, click this button. Layout Options popup menu Use this menu to set the default window/thumbnail size, etc. Checked because it is currently active. Layout Options popup menu Use this menu to set the default window/thumbnail size, etc. Printing Options popup menu Use this menu to set the printing margin, header/footer and line spacing. Checked because it is currently active. Printing Options popup menu Use this menu to set the printing margin, header/footer and line spacing. Styles Options popup menu Use this menu to set the default font and size. Checked because it is currently active. Styles Options popup menu Use this menu to set the default font and size. Image Options popup menu Use this menu to set the image processing related features. Checked because it is currently active. Image Options popup menu Use this menu to set the image processing related features.